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Weekend as an Upperclassmen vs Underclassmen at Bellarmine

By Lizzy Coons

Does age play a factor in how someone spends their time on the weekend? Let’s look at the differences between the weekend of a junior versus a sophomore at Bellarmine.

Sophomore Mollie Davis said, “I sleep in until around 11, go to the library with friends to just prepare for the following week, and then end the night by going to one of my friends’ houses and just hanging out.”

On certain days of the week, places in Louisville require patrons to be of legal drinking age (LDA) to enter their establishment after a certain time, making it hard for 18- to 20-year olds to find places to go on the weekends.

Davis, who is not 21 yet, has found some places she and her friends enjoy going that do not have an LDA requirement. “We will usually go to the Mellwood Art Center or something similar that is age friendly, go out to eat or have a movie night. It really just depends on what we are feeling that night;” she said.

Bellarmine offers on-campus events on the weekend, which is an advantage to students under 21.

On the Engage page on the One Bellarmine website, there is a list of on-campus events. Soul Food Sunday, Cookies and Canvas, Games with DMLO, and Basic Life Skills Trivia Night are some of the events that happened last weekend.

Kaitlyn Nally, assistant director of student activities, said: “Friday night we have one of our Friday Night Live Series events. This Friday, BraveBU is hosting ‘Meet Your Match’ where you will learn all about dating online, how to do it safely, and more.”

Said Davis:“I sometimes attend campus events on the weekend because it is a good way for me to interact with other students and meet new people. It really just depends on the event and if it piques my interest. For example, silent disco is one of my favorite events, so I go every time they host it.”

Junior Madyson Lira's weekends look a lot different from when she was a first-year student.

“When I was an underclassman, Covid was a big thing, so not a lot of places were open in general, but now that it isn't as big of a threat to our community, I definitely do go out more with my friends,” she said.

Lira recently turned 21, so there are no restrictions on where she goes. “I love being able to go to places that I wasn't able to when I was an underclassmen. O'Shea’s has become one of my favorite places to go on the weekends because there are usually a lot of people, which makes it fun to interact with new faces and also just enjoy the night with my friends I go out with,” she said.

Some establishments that serve food instead of only alcohol are more convenient for people who are not of the legal drinking age because servers will not ask for an ID. “I have noticed that when I do go out somewhere after a certain time they will make me show my ID to be let in. It is usually after 11 p.m.,” Lira said.

“Although, I will say it is different, depending on where you go. I know Shenanigans will serve food until pretty late, so you are more likely to be let in without an ID, unlike Checks, who stop serving food pretty early, therefore, making there not really be a reason for an underage person to be there,” she said.



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