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Students Avoid 'Studying Scaries' by using Tutoring Center

By Raegan Franklin


Halloween is not the only scary thing facing BU students next month. Midterm grades are due from instructors on Oct. 10.

Bellarmine offers several resources to help students “treat” themselves to good grades. The Tutoring Center is one of these resources within the Student Success Center, where undergraduate students have access to free peer tutoring.

Katrina Kamarute, a senior peer tutor who is double majoring in business administration and psychology, said she believes more students should take advantage of tutoring because it is meant to help everyone.

“There is a stigma around the Tutoring Center in general, but every student should go there at least once. It is not a sign that you’re failing a class,” she said.

Abigail Luttrell, a junior nursing major, said she was grateful for the Tutoring Center, although she was hesitant to use it.

Junior exercise science major Avery Hedden said she has been successful in classes because of tutoring. Avery said the Tutoring Center is a great resource to use “even if you just have one question.”

Denise Hall, assistant director of academic services, said if the course for which a student wants tutoring is not listed online, a student should email the Tutoring Center. “We can see if any of our peers have taken the class or work on finding a peer tutor for that course,” she said.

Students can contact the Tutoring Center at

The Tutoring Center offers both in-person and online sessions. To schedule an appointment for peer tutoring, students should follow these steps:

1: Log into their one.bellarmine account on a web browser

2: Access their “Student Dashboard”

3: Scroll down to “Academic Resources”

4: Select “Tutoring Appointment”

5: Select a topic

6: Select staff (Optional step)

7: Select a date and time

8: Provide their information

Sophomore Eric Schneider tutors junior Serena Crowley in statistics.




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