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SGA Gives more than $8,000 to Students, Organizations

By Mitch Collica

Bellarmine Student Government Association held a spring budget meeting on Jan. 20. Each organization or individual asking for funding assistance was required to submit their requests prior to the meeting. Tommy Pack, SGA vice president of finance, said, “Semester meetings are important for SGA and the student body. It’s important for us to help fund students, and doing it at the beginning of each semester helps us budget out the rest of our money for the remainder of the semester.” SGA representatives considered seven proposals during the meeting. SGA received $17,500 this semester to divide among students and registered student organizations. Organizations and individuals requested $11,000 in these proposals. The art department requested $1,000 to fund art shows at Bellarmine throughout February and March. SGA agreed unanimously to fund the request. The Mock Trial team asked for $2,297.69 to fund its travel expenses to the University of Dayton for the regional tournament, but SGA gave them $745. Bellarmine junior Chase Yost received money to help fund his trip to Seattle, Washington, in March to present his research in biochemistry. “SGA gives students great opportunities. Most of my research and funding was done by myself, but with SGA, I can ask for help with covering costs of traveling,” Yost said. 

Chase Yost presents his poster at the Kentucky Academy of Science Annual Meeting, where his research earned the Thoroughbred Award.  Photo courtesy of Chase Yost.

Other allocations by SGA included:

  • $1,560 to the Music Ambassadors for travel expenses to a music exposition. 

  • $2,870 to Alpha Psi Omega for travel expenses to a networking conference in Lexington, Kentucky.

  • $741 to BU Leads for one first-year student and two sophomores to attend the Persist Conference in Indianapolis on Feb. 1.

  • $1,000 to Bellarmine Technology Support Center for a display monitor that has the ability to run 24/7 for events in Pasteur Hall. The Student Government Association discusses each proposal and allocates money to maintain enough funds to cover other expenses throughout the semester. Senior representative Prince Mugabo said, “All the bills were decided unanimously, and cuts were made based on evaluation of what each group needed.”



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