The Bellarmine Student Government Association in its March budget meeting approved a change to pay club sports coaches, allowing teams to pay coaches from the Club Budget Fund. Vice President of Recreations, Intermural, Athletics Megan Wills made the request.
“Rewording this rule will help keep our club sports alive while providing funding to our coaches that are currently volunteers that we would like to keep. This is an opportunity for us to use this money to help our club sports grow,” Wills said.
Senior SGA representative Prince Mugabo asked, “How are coaches currently getting paid, and how would paying them work out?”
Wills said club sports coaches get no funding from any of club sports’ yearly budget.
“There is usually a lot of money left over, so it would be beneficial to pay these coaches. As for the coaches getting paid, they would get set up with a contract, and everything would be confirmed through the Human Resources department on hours and pay for each sport,” Wills said.
SGA agreed to unanimously pass this bill.

Bellarmine Club Volleyball coach Hannah Reed led the team to fifth place at the National Collegiate Club Volleyball Championships in 2019. Members of the club volleyball team work part-time to pay coach Hannah Reed. Megan Wills told Prince Mugabo they want to pay the coach from the Club Budget Fund.
Junior SGA Representative Aniseya White proposed separating the Health and Safety Committee in two, thus creating the Health and Accessibility Committee and the Traffic and Safety Committee.
White made the request to represent the student body more efficiently and to focus on helping the most students. The Traffic and Safety Committee would focus more on parking and safety, whereas the Health and Accessibility Committee would focus on health services for students.
“By creating two committees, it will help the students be better represented along with getting more people involved in campus. Students want to join these committees and make a change, so this is a way they directly can help Bellarmine,” White said.
SGA President Haley Planicka asked, “When will this split happen, and how can students join?”
White said the split of the committees would occur around April 4 and students could join either committee by contacting their SGA representative directly.
SGA unanimously passed this request.