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Relaxation Station offers place to destress

By: Sydney Young

The relaxation station is a place to unwind with self-care and stress-relieving activities.

The time to destress is on Mondays from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and Wednesday’s noon to 3 p.m. The Relaxation Station is sponsored by Campus Recreation and Wellness.

Campus Wellness coordinator Mason McGrew said, “We started the relaxation station spring of last year, 2022, because we did a healthy mind survey, judging everyone’s mental health on campus, and many people were stressed.”

McGrew said the most popular activity is making heating pad socks by putting rice in a sock, adding essential oils and then placing it in the microwave.

“Some other activities that people enjoy are journaling, and stickers, writing down important things such as something positive that happened and lots of snacks,” McGrew said.

First-year student Audrey Magnus said: “My favorite part of the station was making the sock because it really helped me to destress. I have had many tests already this semester and this helped me calm down and refresh.”

First-year student Addison Kerr said the Relaxation station is a good tool for de-stressing at the start of a new semester. “It can be a stressful time getting used to all new classes, and it is a great resource for students,” She said.

To find out where the station will be located visit the engage page and check out the Campus Recreation and wellness Instagram .



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