By Katelyn Norris, Staff Writer
A recent surge of controversial Bellarmine-related social media accounts have swept Twitter and Instagram.
While many students see no harm in these accounts, the Student Government Association has voiced some concerns it believes students should be aware of.
“The discussion centered around what Bellarmine stands for and how these accounts can affect that image and perception,” SGA President Leah Mudd said.
The social media accounts are posting content that many consider inappropriate. It has also been noted that material may have been posted without the consent of individuals featured in the posts.
This content features students in the midst what may be considered “party culture.” But SGA Chief of Staff Trey Grievous said the concern isn’t the party atmosphere: it’s the negativity that stems from it.
“(It’s okay) as long as it’s handled responsibly and it just doesn’t reach too far,” Grievous said.
Despite SGA’s concerns with the accounts’ content, it isn’t taking steps to remove the accounts. After evaluating the accounts, SGA determined they aren’t breaking any rules in Bellarmine’s code of conduct.
“The administration really wanted to emphasize that they’re not policing it,” SGA Vice President of Public Relations Allie Beams said. “They’re not discouraging it per se, they just wanted us to be more aware of what it was taking part in.
“The existence of this account … is being a part of something for those people (the individual(s) running the account) whoever it is… to them it’s being a part of something.”
However, due in part to the content of the profiles, school administration and SGA suggest that students monitor the accounts for posts that may be offensive or overly obscene. This type of conduct should be reported on social media platforms and not to school officials.
Barstool Bellarmine and other accounts are not new to college campus culture. Similar accounts have been created at schools across the country, including the University of Kentucky and the University of Louisville.
Ultimately, these accounts have affected Bellarmine’s student body. But it is the responsibility of this community to monitor the accounts to protect Bellarmine’s values.