By Mariah Allison
On Tuesday, October 27, the Farmer’s Market came to Bellarmine’s campus and students were thrilled. The Quad was filled with energetic student and faculty shoppers as they browsed through many options including fruits, vegetables, cheeses and treats.
It was a refreshing event to bring the campus back to life, considering the pandemic.
“I felt like the quad was back to normal again,” said junior Chandra Copas. “It definitely makes me feel more connected to my peers.”
The setup gave the feel of a real farmer’s market with many different samples for students to try, such as crackers with fresh cheese and figs.
Freshmen Aniseya White said, “It was great and really gave me fall vibes, made me feel like I was off campus and at a real market.”
Students browse the farmer’s market in the quad.
There was also a student DJ, junior Claire Roeder, who played for the event.
“It was super fun,” said Roeder. “I got to make a playlist and just listen to fun music!”
Students hoped this would be the start of future food-related events on campus.
“I definitely hope they do more stuff like this,” said Roeder.
Employees at the farmer’s market selling fresh vegetables.
The Farmer’s Market was hosted by Bellarmine’s Sodexo team. Last year, Sodexo hosted a nationwide event that brought local farmer’s markets to university campuses, so the Bellarmine Sodexo staff wanted to bring that here.
Sodexo marketing manager Megan Briegal said the local farmer’s market will now be coming to campus every semester with seasonal flavors and produce themed for Spring and Fall. Students can look forward to enjoying a visit from the local farmer’s market on campus as a brand-new event.
“I really wanted to bring it to Bellarmine’s campus to start a tradition,” said Briegal.
All photos are courtesy of Megan Briegal.