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Getting to know Megan Briegel

Updated: Apr 12, 2022

by Leah Wilkinson

This week, Knights Media Network spoke with Megan Briegel, Bellarmine’s Sodexo Field Marketing Coordinator.

Could you tell us a little bit about yourself?

I went to college in Columbus, Ohio, and then I got my degree in business administration and marketing, and then from there I took the same exact job I have now but for a different school. It was at St. Mary’s College in Notre Dame, Indiana, and I was there for about two years. I was doing the same kind of events and social media, really engaging with the students and I really fell in love with my job. Then, once COVID happened, Sodexo actually lost that account and Notre Dame took it over, so then that brought me here. I’ve been loving it. I’ve really been enjoying getting to know campus and the students, and it’s been really fun being back.

Could you explain a little bit more about what you do in your position as Bellarmine’s Sodexo Field Marketing Coordinator?

I am pretty much in charge of all of the marketing on campus for dining specifically. So all of the signage and, like I said, all of the social media, all of the events, all of the hydration things — that’s all me. Coming up with new ideas for engagement on campus is kind of what I do. I’m always jumping in and doing a bunch of stuff but that’s the main objective.

What inspired you to go into marketing?

Kind of from a young age — and I’ve recently realized — I was going to end up here. I found this old drawing from a Christmas card that I did for my dad’s company and it was a branded Christmas city that I did when I was like 13. So I think I should’ve known that I was gonna end up in marketing. I just really loved it. I really like connecting with customers and trying to deliver what they want and really like to satisfy that need. I really love that part of it — just kind of like making people happy. What design is going to keep people’s interest? What foods are gonna make people happy? And, especially on a college campus, food is so important…I feel, especially for the freshmen who are just leaving home for the first time and, you know, you’re used to your family making meals for you and then you’re thrown here. So, if we can provide some of those comfort foods or some of those familiar things just to make your transition into college life a little bit easier; I love being able to do stuff like that.

What do you enjoy most about your job?

I have a ton of fun on social media, but also I just really love getting to hang out with the students. I love working the mystery pop-up tables and getting to talk to people. Getting to know the campus — that’s my favorite part. I was able to connect with a lot of the students at St. Mary’s College, my last campus, and now I’ve become really good friends with some of them. So, I’m really excited for that to happen here and to really develop that personal relationship with the students.

Do you consider yourself a foodie?

I do, but like yes and no. I am pretty good at hopping on the trends and that sort of deal, but I’m definitely not like the trendsetter. I just like to hop on the trend.

Have you always loved food?

Oh, for sure. For sure. My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving, so my world revolves around food.

I have to ask — do you have a favorite food?

I do. I’m a really big sushi person, but from here I have developed an obsession with the Alfredo sauce. It’s a problem. I have been eating it almost every day and I’ve started getting vegetables from the salad bar and adding those to the noodles and then just like drenching it in Alfredo sauce.

What do you like to do in your free time?

I have a cat named Hank, so I hang out with him all the time, and I also crochet which kind of makes me like a grandma. I will sit with my cat on my lap and work on a blanket. It’s fun. He likes it. He likes to chase the yarn across the living room, and he has unwound so many balls of yarn.

What is something you’d like students to know about you?

If you see me around campus, stop me and say “Hi.” I’d love to get to know you, and if you have any feedback or suggestions, feel free to let me know. You can either talk to me or send a message on social media. It’s me behind the screen, so I will see it. I’m just happy to be here.

Lastly, what was your favorite food to eat in college?

Oh, Thanksgiving was my favorite. They had really good mac ‘n cheese and stuffing. It was amazing. But other than that, every day I was definitely a pizza person. I was always at the pizza station. I would eat cereal too, because we had so many cereal dispensers, and it was like all of the cereals I wasn’t allowed to have as a child growing up. I was a really big Lucky Charms person. Right now, it’s Count Chocula because it’s spooky season.

Briegel with her cat, Hank, on his birthday. Photo courtesy of Megan Briegel.


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