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BU student releases second album

By: Lizzy Coons

Professional touring musician Adam Thomas has just released his second album. It is titled “Disco Dreams” and officially hit streaming platforms Apple music and Spotify on Feb. 17.

For his second album, Thomas said he wanted to go a completely different route from the first one he produced.

“I wanted to switch it up from my normal style. I wanted something a little more dirty, grungy, provocative and also kind of retro. That is when I got the idea of ‘Disco Dreams,’ and I wanted it to be something no one has heard out of me before,” Thomas said.

Thomas has been working hard on promoting his new album, not only in Louisville but across the region.

“I have been reaching out to multiple news stations from around the region, including all the way up to Cleveland, Ohio. I have also been talking to different fashion designers to correlate different ideas and outfits to wear on stage that reflect the album,” he said.

Thomas also plans to produce music videos to go with some of his songs.

“We have a couple videos in mind. I know we are trying to do a promo with LouCity, along with a couple live music videos, including one in an abandoned church and the other a huge house party,” he said.

Producing a new album has been a huge achievement for Thomas, and his friends have been some of his biggest supporters during the process.

BU junior Maddy Johnson is one of the people who has seen first hand how dedicated Thomas has been to his new album.

“I think it is just awesome everything he is doing. He works so hard and is just so good at what he does so seeing him being able to accomplish this for a second time has been amazing,” Johnson said.

Junior Julianna Kopp said she couldn't be prouder of everything Thomas, her boyfriend, has accomplished in his music career so far.

“I have been lucky enough to stand by his side during this long but exciting process and see first hand how passionate he has been towards producing this album. He continues to amaze me with everything he does and the best part is. I know this is just the beginning for him,” Kopp said.

Thomas said he plans to build off this album and has a lot of things planned for the future.

“There is a lot more inspiration correlated into these songs, and it is just new material all around. My producer, who has heard both my albums, has said this one is significantly better than the first. With that being said, knowing my music is continuing to get better makes me excited to see what else I produce down the road,” he said.

Students will get a chance to see Thomas perform at Bellarmine in the annual Bellaroo. This is a music festival that the university puts on for students to showcase their talents. This year it will be on April 25 in the Siena Arboreto.

“I know the band is planning to perform at the annual Bellaroo. I actually tried to put on a huge concert in Frazier Hall free to all students. However, Bellarmine did not go through with that so hopefully down the road we can try to work something out again,” he said.

Thomas went through several different angles, styles, and poses until he finally found what he said is the perfect photo for the cover of his album.


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