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BU baseball prepares for new season with a new coach

New head baseball coach Chris Dominguez started at Bellarmine as an assistant coach in

2020 but took a break in 2021 to be an assistant at the University of Miami, returned to

Bellarmine in 2022and was promoted to head coach this season when Larry Owens left

the program.

Dominguez is the 19th head coach for the Bellarmine Knights baseball program, which began in 1952.

Dominguez played baseball at the University of Louisville and received many awards while

Playing, including being named an All-American twice.

Senior pitcher Drew Buhr said, “When it comes to Dominguez, we love the guy. He’s amazing.”

Preparation for the spring season began in the fall with practices and scrimmages. The team is also preparing by working in the weight room every morning.

“The team has been in the weight room lifting every morning getting strong” first-year catcher

Charlie Rife said.

Dominguez said: “Preparation is what we strive for to change this year. Being more

prepared not in years past but for the new season.”

When it comes to putting in work, the Knights even are working outside of scheduled practices.

Buhr said, “We are preparing for the season by working together as a team both as pitchers and position players, putting in work every single day.”

Rife said “During practice we try and make it game like as possible by doing different situations.”

Dominguez said he is trying to keep things simple for season, not making it complicated while

making game like situations at practice and hopes that this will translate into the game.

The Knights’ opening weekend is at New Mexico State Feb. 17 at 6 p.m. (MST)



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