By Shelbi Mulcahy
Bellarmine President Dr. Susan Donovan announced plans for two May commencement ceremonies: one for the class of 2020 and the other for the class of 2021.
The dates are May 7 and 8, but which groups will celebrate graduation each day in undetermined.
The plan is to have Summer 2019, Fall 2019, and May 2020 graduates honored in one ceremony and Summer 2020, Fall 2020, and May 2021 graduates honored in several other ceremonies.
“We are determined to make this plan happen for our students. It was unfortunate enough to have to postpone commencement for past graduates,” Bellarmine Provost Paul Gore said.
The details for commencement are still being decided. “What we know now is that there will be an in-person ceremony as well as offer a live stream to accommodate everyone,” Gore said.
“Students will have to RSVP if they plan on attending commencement,” he said. “We are making this a priority, so we know our numbers and know how many tickets to give to each graduate.”
The plan is for each graduate to get five tickets to give to family or friends. However, because the maximum capacity number for Freedom Hall during graduation ceremonies is still unknown, Bellarmine officials cannot yet determine the exact number of tickets that will be provided to each graduate.
Students have mixed emotions about the commencement plans.
Maddie Horton, a Spring 2021 graduate said: “I was surprised when I read the email. After seeing what happened with past graduates, I just assumed if we had anything it would be a drive-through ceremony.”
2020 graduate Andrew Hagan said he is happy his class will have a ceremony.
“I think it is good that Bellarmine is making the effort to have the commencement. I didn’t think they would have a graduation for 2020 graduates and just move on to celebrate the 2021 graduates,” he said.
Still, not all graduates plan to attend graduation.
“I don’t think I will be attending graduation this year,” Hagan said, “Now that I am graduated and working, the fun of the ceremony is lost for me. All my friends are gone, and since I can’t celebrate with them, it’s not worth it.”
Horton said: “I will be attending graduation this year. I have worked hard the past four years, and I am ready to celebrate with all my friends and family.”
The president’s cabinet met Tuesday to discuss and finalize the details but did not release any additional details.
“More information and details about commencement will be available by March,” Gore said.