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Bellarmine’s New Schedule and Protocols for Intramural Events

Updated: Dec 23, 2021

By: James Whiteford

Bellarmine University offers many different ways to remain healthy and active, all while Covid-19 is still prominent in our community.

Amidst all the trouble and despair regarding the virus, students at Bellarmine are still interested in continuing their healthy lifestyles.

Many intramural events are hosted in the SuRF, where students are able to play sports and be physically active, all while following the appropriate Covid protocols.

“[The events] are different every semester, every month. Typically we do a couple seasons throughout the year … and then we will do one-day tournaments as well,” Assistant Director of Campus Recreation Cynthia Lally said.

“This year there has been limited amounts of what we can do, but so far it’s been fun. If I’m not doing anything, I usually go [to the SuRF] anyways because it is something fun to do and I enjoy it,” said sophomore participant Gus Buck.

Organizing intramural events in the past has been unproblematic, but now the referees and organizers must prioritize the safety of the students.

Lally said: “Of course it’s different this year with Covid. We can’t do a lot of the sports that we normally do. We are trying to do less of the contact sports where we can physically distance with each other.”

“[As referees] we make sure they are 6 feet apart with their masks on. It is more on the refs than years past. We definitely have more responsibility now because we need to make sure it is Covid friendly and still running smoothly,” said senior referee Zachary Pell.

Bellarmine’s SuRF plans to host many different events throughout the course of the next month.

The SuRF directors share the intramural opportunities on a monthly basis, because of Covid being so unpredictable.

“Covid is the main cause for this decision. But doing the month-to-month is easier because it lets students look at the month and say ‘I can do this event,’ which makes it a bit easier for students to come,” said Cynthia Lally.

Buck stated: “The school does a good job of contact tracing, and getting people into quarantine or isolation if they test positive. There are some sports we can’t do that are normally popular but because of Covid we can’t do them.”

The Intramural events at the SuRF have not faced any problems with Covid-19 thus far.

Pell said: “No matter what sport it is, you are required to wear a mask during the event. The refs use electronic whistles instead of one’s you put in your mouth. We also sanitize and spray the balls after every point. I feel like we are doing a pretty good job.”

“[Bellarmine] is taking as many precautions as they can, and I think it is about as safe as it can get.” said Gus Buck.

Some of the Intramural events that will take place over the next month include:

3/10: IM Pickleball Tournament, 6-8PM, SuRF Center

3/14, 3/21, 3/28, 4/11 (Sundays): IM Dodgeball League, 1-5PM, SuRF Center

3/17, 3/24 (Wednesdays): 2-Day IM Tennis Doubles (Men’s, Women’s, & Coed) Tournament, 6-8PM, SuRF Center

3/19: CRW Softball Tailgate & IM Cornhole Tournament, 12-3PM, Old IM Field

3/20: IM Quidditch Tournament, 4-6PM, Frazier Stadium

3/27: IM Softball Tournament, 12-4PM, Softball Field

4/7: IM 8-Ball Billiards Tournament, 6-8PM, SuRF Center

4/10: IM Powerlifting Meet, 9AM-6PM, SuRF Center

4/16: IM Sand Volleyball Tournament, 3-7PM, Sand Volleyball Pit [Sienas]

Other events that are planned for March but still seek approval are 3v3 Basketball and 4v4 Flag Football.

As the semester continues, more intramural events will take place giving more options for the students in the community.


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