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Bellarmine Community Celebrates Diversity with an International Fashion Show

Updated: Nov 14, 2021

By: Kevyn Price

Bellarmine had an international fashion show in Cralle Theatre on March 19. The event centered on celebrating different cultures found on Bellarmine’s campus.

Bellarmine first-year Esha Khan planned the event after getting inspiration from the University of Louisville International Fashion Show. Khan said she loved how U of L celebrated diversity on campus, and it inspired her to bring something similar to the Bellarmine community.

“The mission of this fashion show is not necessarily to promote diversity or inclusion on campus, but it is to bring a little bit of home to people of color and the students of color on campus,” Khan said.

Bellarmine has had international fashion shows in the past, but Khan said this was the first international fashion show that was open to the entire campus. In the past, the show was very small and only for those involved.

“We deserve to have more people celebrate us, and we deserve to have that space because I know some of us feel like we are on the outside looking in,” Khan said.

The event consisted of a fashion show, an intermission and performances. The fashion show had 12 models representing different cultures from around the world. After the fashion show, there were three performances, which were Bollywood singing, tap dancing and Bollywood dancing.

Bellarmine senior Caroline Allen said she enjoyed seeing the performances and seeing the different representations of cultures.

“I thought the fashion show was very fun. It was very interactive and entertaining. It made me so excited to see the celebration of different cultures,” Allen said.

Bellarmine senior Sylvia Ramsey said her favorite part of the event was the fashion show.

Ramsey said that it was much needed to highlight the variety of cultures that are on campus.

“I loved the diversity of outfits and seeing how each individual wore it with pride. I think that it is not always apparent how diverse the Bellarmine community is, and it is nice seeing people come together to support one another,” Ramsey said.


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